Tag: Teel James Glenn

  • The Greatest Warrior

    by Teel James Glenn in Issue 149, June 2024 A parable of Altiva It happened not so long ago and not so far from here that the great sword smith, Aldred, said to his wife that he was too old to continue his craft.  “I will make one more sword,” he said, his voice trembling…

  • The Bargain of a Bard

    by Teel James Glenn in Issue 115, August 2021 A Story of Altiva The children in the cages no longer cried or yelled, their tears long dried, but with the stoic endurance and strength of frontier dwellers, they watched the ceremony and the deaths of the adults with only faint whimpers of resignation at their…

  • Sister Avenger

    by Teel James Glenn in Issue 108, January 2021 A Story of Altiva Chapter I.Extortion “Bring General Torvad to us to kill or the girl dies,” the whispered voice rasped. No face accompanied the voice, only a vague shape swathed in tattered cloth that seemed to fade in and out of existence in the flickering…

  • The Final Kiss

    by Teel James Glenn in Issue 102, July 2020 “The thing about dealing with amoral people is the certainty of it, Ada,” the blond bard said, “it is never a case of if they will betray you, it is always a matter of when. It makes things simpler and takes the suspense out of life.”…