Tag: Story

  • Diamonds in the Darkness

    by Matthew X. Gomez in Issue 144, January 2024 The call of seabirds dragged Liam the Black back to the land of the living. He blinked his eyes, gritty from sand, against the blazing ball of the sun overhead. His entire body ached, the victim of bludgeoning by waves and the detritus of the sea.…

  • Peddler of Favours

    by Matthew Owen Jones in Issue 144, January 2023 Jurgen walked through the maze of rain-soaked streets that he knew so well. The driving rain poured from the tiled roofs, bleeding into the gutters, across the cobbles and narrow alleys of the dock district. Few people would wander out in such weather without good reason, especially…

  • The Judgement Tree

    by D. K. Latta in Issue 143, December 2023 The cobblestones beneath Kainar’s boots were damp with dew, the sun just cresting the taller buildings. The crooked avenues through which he stalked were sparsely populated, merchants and workers only just beginning to stir and go about their affairs.  He was a broad-shouldered figure of middle-age,…

  • Across Bloody Skies

    by Jay Requard in Issue 143, December 2023 Every time she shut her eyes, the jar of the wagon’s wheels or the shake of the cabin woke her, splashing bright red violence across her mind. Too exhausted to keep her eyes fully open, the memory reformed anew. Char-vak-ya! Char-vak-ya! Char-vak-ya! Magic flashed, men screamed. Blood. …

  • Plague in Arak

    by D. J. Tyrer in Issue 143, December 2023 “This way.” A large and meaty hand seized the slim wrist of Mirzë and drew her out from the alleyway and into the night-darkened street. The girl, no more than fifteen, turned her gaze away from the piled detritus that had once been men and women…