Tag: Story

  • Evil Bloom

    by Diana Parparita in Issue 35, December 2014 It takes evil to remove evil. That is the first principle of healing. One must pay for the evil that is removed with an evil of equal strength. That is why the most potent of medicines can only be made from the deepest pain. There was plenty…

  • War and Peace Pipes

    by Gustavo Bondoni in Issue 34, November 2014 Strong Buffalo understood the moon. If there was rain, he could hear it coming days before in the gentle breezes that caressed the dusty plains. He could speak the language of the coyote, and knew the way of the Trickster. His youth had been spent fighting the…

  • Readers

    by A. J. Carter in Issue 34, November 2014 “If you don’t start attracting customers, Lani, I’ll send you back.” Ollyver’s tone stayed flat with hardly a flicker of expression, his thick arms folded almost casually across his broad chest.  Yet my time on the road with him allowed me to see frustrations simmering below…

  • Black Water

    by Alex B. in Issue 33, October 2014 Alyssa felt the cart come to a stop. The smell of injured and dying flesh came upon her and she bit her tongue to keep from crying. The back dropped and she felt herself violently pulled from under the stacked bodies.  The beast held her up in…

  • Daisy Knight

    by Gary Every in Issue 33, October 2014 Kurestan led his horse along the road. His squire followed along behind, carrying the heavy weaponry. An old crone cried out. “Daisies for sale!” she shrieked. The squire sneered. “Why would my lord desire to buy a daisy?”      The haggard old woman was standing beside a…