Tag: Story

  • The Puppet Paramour

    by Garrett Boatman in Issue 107, December 2020 The burning sands scorched Ramadym’s unshod feet and the unrelenting sun lashed his naked back as he pushed over the infinite succession of dunes. He had ridden across the vast wasteland all the day and night before, and when his horse died of exhaustion ere dawn that…

  • The Harvest

    by David Ferguson in Issue 107, December 2020 The room was small, with a homespun quilt thrown across the door. Orinia pushed it aside as she entered. Inside the room, Kev sat on his haunches, head turned away from what lay on the floor in front of him. She cleared her throat uneasily. Kev looked…

  • At the Feet of Poteauje

    by Jeffery Scott Sims in Issue 107, December 2020 In the highlands of north-western Greece, verging on the marches of Macedonia, in those olden times the itinerant wizard Jacob Bleek followed as best he could the map imprinted on the parchment sold him dearly at Athens by the astute but vulgar Turk.  Not a mage…

  • The Safety of Thick Walls

    by Gustavo Bondoni in Issue 106, November 2020 The sun set over the Romans to the west.  Rasce smiled grimly at them, wondering whether they would enjoy the autumn mosquitoes outside Aritim, and whether they would die of fever or decide to stay camped outside the walls all winter.  It was all the same to…

  • The Goblin of Gelhalad

    by Samuel Kennedy in Issue 106, November 2020 As the children gathered around the dim light of the fire, the old crone smiled at them through her broken, yellow teeth. When everyone had found a seat, a hush fell over the cave. And then the old woman began her story. “The outside world is full…