Tag: Story

  • The Wrestler’s Son

    by P. J. Atwater in Issue 123, April 2022 On a night in which soft winds rambled the forested hills and bore into the vales the fresh scents of needles, buds, and lofty thaws, the riders of Mutangard caroused about their many fires. Hale and filled with courage on this fifth night away from the…

  • Glamour

    by Matthew Ilseman in Issue 123, April 2022 Strange things come out of the East-  An Old Saying.      Ceran ran through the forest. He paid no heed to any path. He ran through areas thick with growth. Leafless tree limbs reached out like skeletal hands cutting him as he ran. Ceran paid no mind;…

  • Eliza Sky and the Lodestar Warrior

    by Neil Willcox in Issue 123, April 2022 Eliza Sky had expected a churchman, though whether a mousy clerk, a stern scholar, or a ranting preacher she had not cared to guess. The thaumaturger who had ridden down from the high elfway into the village looked like none of those. He could have been a…

  • The Hunter and the Hunted

    by Mario Caric in Issue 122, March 2022 Fourteen covered wagons treaded along the woodland trail. Reins dangled nigh-lifeless from the tired hands whilst oxen heads slung low to the ground, clouds of breath puffing from dilated nostrils into the dry air. Here and there the trees would part or disappear, opening up the late…

  • Nara’s Story

    by Ross Hightower in Issue 122, March 2022 Somehow, Nara pictured the life of a novice of the Seidi differently. When she was a young initiate in that magical sisterhood, she imagined herself protecting the weak, a bulwark against evil and greedy forces. Escorting an Imperial tax collector didn’t fit into any of her fantasies.…