Tag: Story

  • Death Rides a North Wind

    by Robert Mammone in Issue 129, October 2022 When Colcothar staggered into the clearing, he had been hunted for three days.  His grimy furs were black with blood and his beard matted and filthy.  A bruise purpled one eye, and fire had reduced most of the hair on his head to blackened stubble.  Blood pulsed…

  • The Eyes Have It

    by Aaron Onyon in Issue 128, September 2022 Ferin was a thief. He was not a good thief. Not that it was his fault. The guild made life very difficult for freelance thieves. Before the Thieves Guild moved into Hearthstone times were good for a solo cutpurse. Ferin and his contemporaries had the small town…

  • Guarantees in Three Silvers

    by Jay Requard in Issue 128, September 2022 Chapter I: Conditions Galamzar dozed as dawn breached his tower’s windows, the city of Burq-Tinnin buzzing hundreds of feet below his spire. The smooth pillars holding up the dome, cut from the finest green marble veined in ocher, had lulled his attention away from the large book…

  • The Library of Vadargarn

    by Rab Foster in Issue 127, August 2022 Jaydar Skenthorpe gawped at the tabletop. Though the men swigging furtively at the tavern’s other tables were unlikely to see it in the smoky candlelight, he couldn’t believe what his companion had placed in front of him. A book. Hoarsely, he demanded, “You want me to transport…

  • Mordock’s Daughter

    by Tom Howard in Issue 127, August 2022 The moment Izak the Traveler saw the girl’s violet eyes, he knew he had to save her.  He’d stopped before sunset at an inn on the King’s Highway. The place was simple but clean. The long common room held wooden tables situated around the giant hearth in…