Tag: Story

  • The Sun in Shadow

    by Sandra Unerman The alley was a dead end. Tibbie halted to catch her breath, while she stared at the building ahead. She had lost track of where she was in the city. A muddle of grimy stone and broken windows spread across her view. She could see no side turnings to take her onwards…

  • You Stand Before the Black Tower

    by Nathaniel Webb in Issue 130, November 2022 You stand before the black tower. You have pursued the Bat-Winged Sorcerer here: the blackhearted necromancer’s final refuge, his last place of power. Tonight, under a blood moon, your struggle will end, one way or the other. The Gibbet Queen’s dying prophecy rings in your memory: “Beware…

  • Legacy of Steel

    by Cora Buhlert in Issue 130, November 2022 ​”Careful, Grandfather,” Gael said, “Don’t try to get up. You’re too weak…” Grandfather was old, frail, and – time to face the truth – dying, but nonetheless he shook off Gael with surprising strength. “No, boy, this is important. You have to listen…” A coughing fit cut…

  • The Fulminous

    by E. G. Condé All was still in the vale of the Legendwalkers. Beneath a rumbling sky, he could see nothing stalking about the ebon crags and the tiered slopes of the great rotunda, which gave way to a chasm of unfathomable depth. Legends walked with him, whispering from the heritage metals grafted onto his…

  • Where Are You Roaming?

    by Joshua Hiles He tasted blood and thick, black, soil as his face ground into the dirt. He felt the swish of the polearm descending. He scuttled away, spitting red and black, “wonderful land!” The three road agents looked uncertainly at each other. They were dressed in tattered finery, looted from travelers much richer than…