Tag: September
The Mage of Castle Thunder
by Mike Adamson in Issue 116, September 2021 Since before the birth of writing, the sorcerer Malatulis, ancient and dreadful, had dominated all the lands of Tassamoraine. His grim tower of Caer Thunder rose from bleak cliffs by the Eastern Ocean and above that storm-wracked wilderness of breakers and wicked reefs he incanted vehemently to…
The Orchestra of Syrak
by Rab Foster in Issue 116, September 2021 The shaft Bump was crawling down became so steep that he lost his hold on its stonework and slid forward, unable to stop himself. Worse, the faster he slid, the narrower the shaft became. But just when he feared he’d get irreversibly stuck in it, he shot…
Flames Over Esk
by D. J. Tyrer in Issue 116, September 2021 The sky glowed a dull red from the flames, the light bleeding into the sanguine half-disc of the sun that slowly rose to fill the horizon. Smoke bruised the sky like rain clouds besmirching the dawn. There was a smell that was, unfortunately, pleasant, given the…
A Dance with Dragon’s Volume 2: After the Feast, by George R. R. Martin
by John C. Adams in Issue 104, September 2020 This is the most recent installment in the long-running and hugely popular ‘A Game of Thrones’ series, also known as ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’. For anyone who isn’t familiar with the books and their accompanying TV adaptation, the idea of jumping in partway through a…
Etcher’s Crucible
by Rex Caleval in Issue 104, September 2020 Now that I’m ready to find out if this works, it seems less like a good idea. I was certain it was brilliant when I conceived it, sitting in the tavern while my employers, may their bleached bones lie in the Sands Eternal, conversed with a digger…
by Matthew C. Lucas in Issue 104, September 2020 The clerk considered the copper coin lying before him on the table. The edges were ridged, as they should be. The emblem on its face, a hammer, pick, and sword, had been rubbed smooth from countless grubbing fingers and the passage of time. There was a…