Tag: September

  • Artwork by Alison McGlone

    For your viewing pleasure a look at some in progress work from Alison McGlone, whose work will be featured on my Patreon in the future. If you like what you see and would like to help Alison out consider donating to her Go Fund Me to help cover some unexpected vet bills.

  • The Travelling Fayre of Señor Monteluz comes to the Occidental Archipelago

    by J. M. Cyrus in Issue 140, September 2023 Mino was alone when he saw the fayre’s boats round the rocky stacks and arches at the north end of his island. He stood at the top of a scrubby, bouldered hill, and watched the colourful vessels round the formations, and into the wide enclosure of…

  • The Towers of Death

    by Zephyr Dorsey in Issue 140, September 2023 His beard flowed down his chest, stiff and tangled, like a stream of wire hangers. His clothes hung from him in tattered strips. Lightning flashed in his eyes. A wild look. He kept to the vicinity of the Community House, speaking only gibberish and gesticulating excitedly. When…

  • Acosar

    by Jonathan Olfert in Issue 140, September 2023 Parok’s Well: a caravanserai, an enclosed camp along the salt trail from the corpse of Old Jegest to ravenous new kingdoms. For a caravaneer, Parok’s Well is a waypoint like any other in the Five Deserts: a milestone to dream about, and then to forget. Forget, too,…

  • The Eyes Have It

    by Aaron Onyon in Issue 128, September 2022 Ferin was a thief. He was not a good thief. Not that it was his fault. The guild made life very difficult for freelance thieves. Before the Thieves Guild moved into Hearthstone times were good for a solo cutpurse. Ferin and his contemporaries had the small town…