Tag: October

  • Under a Green Moon

    by M. R. Timson in Issue 141, October 2023 The waters of the strait were as clear as glass. There was hardly a grain of sediment blocking Epona’s view of the rocky surface, perhaps hundreds of feet below. It was a whole other world down there, with its peaks and valleys, its forests and tundra—its…

  • Brexit 409 AD

    by George S. Walker in Issue 141, October 2023 It was a rainy summer evening as Cerridwen led Lucius and the centurion into the abandoned mine. The Briton’s red hair, plaited in braids, slapped against the dirty wet wool of her tunic, stretched over her pregnant belly. Lucius was proud the centurion had chosen him,…

  • The Fulminous

    by E. G. Condé All was still in the vale of the Legendwalkers. Beneath a rumbling sky, he could see nothing stalking about the ebon crags and the tiered slopes of the great rotunda, which gave way to a chasm of unfathomable depth. Legends walked with him, whispering from the heritage metals grafted onto his…

  • Where Are You Roaming?

    by Joshua Hiles He tasted blood and thick, black, soil as his face ground into the dirt. He felt the swish of the polearm descending. He scuttled away, spitting red and black, “wonderful land!” The three road agents looked uncertainly at each other. They were dressed in tattered finery, looted from travelers much richer than…

  • Death Rides a North Wind

    by Robert Mammone in Issue 129, October 2022 When Colcothar staggered into the clearing, he had been hunted for three days.  His grimy furs were black with blood and his beard matted and filthy.  A bruise purpled one eye, and fire had reduced most of the hair on his head to blackened stubble.  Blood pulsed…

  • The Watchtower Bell

    by Alcuin Fromm in Issue 117, October 2021 The final drop of liquid fell into the reservoir of a water clock, setting in motion a series of mechanical movements which culminated with the bright chime of a small bell. Nodd’s eyes popped open. Consciousness seemed to crush in around him from all sides. Shivering, he…