Tag: June

  • Lorelei

    by Álex Souza in Issue 125, June 2022 “Another one?!” said the elder, his gloomy face lightened by the tent’s torches. He lowered his head and exhaled. For a moment, silence ensued; only the popping sounds of the fire could be heard. Boris, the elder’s only son, stared at his father and could feel the…

  • The Cartographer’s Bauble

    by Jennifer Crow in Issue 113, June 2021 Professor Halef caught me after breakfast. “I need a word with you. Regarding the cartographer.” I struggled to swallow the last bite of toasted flatbread.  “Yes?” I struggled to maintain a façade of calm. Everyone had been talking for days about the arrival of Embra the cartographer,…

  • Red Cap

    by Alex Evans in Issue 113, June 2021 Else clutched her knife’s handle. Deep human footprints marked the virgin snow. Earlier, she had come across the marks of a large dog or wolf, but they have been old and faded. These new footprints, however, were fresh, human and large. A rather big man, she mused.…

  • The Amulet and the Pain

    by Chad A. B. Wilson in Issue 113, June 2021 The reddening sky matched the small fire’s flames, which crackled as the rabbits sizzled. Brock turned the makeshift spit and looked to the mountains far behind him. Prairie and nothingness lay between him and those peaks. The road in front—a dirt trail, really—led from Middlin,…

  • The Carp of Lake Lack

    by Alysha MacDonald in Issue 101, June 2020 I was milking the goats and thinking of nothing but rhymesong when my two youngest came running up the mountain path with fish scales the size of pomegranates in their hands. “Mammie,” they said, “A man came and killed the Carp.” I kept milking until my skin went paler,…