Tag: July
The Fate of Donaldo
by Ivan Ewert in Issue 18, July 2013 The gibbous moon shone upon the streets of Dorath Vur, her visage pierced by the great minarets which clawed hungrily toward the jewels of the stars. Dorath Vur! City of greed, whose streets ran equally with filth and spices, coin and offal – Dorath Vur, the sweetly…
Corbane’s Wish
by Charlene Brusso in Issue 6, July 2012 The music of Corbane, acclaimed graduate of the Selcaster College of Bards, was regarded by many to be the finest in the land. Not so his temper, however, which was increasingly obvious now as the hot summer day wore thin, with no sign of the wizard’s house. …
A Little Peril in Brisbett
by Jeffery Scott Sims in Issue 6, July 2012 So Lord Nantrech, noble wizard of glorious Dyrezan, would go forth into the world unknown to seek marvels in its far reaches, that he might enrich his store of knowledge and wisdom. Having decided this, he set out with his devoted colleague Lord Harmon, an impressively…