Tag: Jeffery Scott Sims
A Soujourn in Crost
by Jeffery Scott Sims in Issue 62, March 2017 Lord Morca, wizard and warrior of ancient Dyrezan, marched alone this day, he who had led a great army into the unknown east that he might conquer and thereby heighten the glory due to himself and his people. There in that magical and forbidding eastern realm…
The Wheel of Dargalon
by Jeffery Scott Sims in Issue 9, October 2012 Lord Morca, exalted mage of the fair city of Dyrezan, once went forth into unknown lands in search of the fabled Scroll of Ixaltas, which delivers unto its bearer prized secrets of forgotten primordial epochs; yet he was destined not to find it– at least not…
A Little Peril in Brisbett
by Jeffery Scott Sims in Issue 6, July 2012 So Lord Nantrech, noble wizard of glorious Dyrezan, would go forth into the world unknown to seek marvels in its far reaches, that he might enrich his store of knowledge and wisdom. Having decided this, he set out with his devoted colleague Lord Harmon, an impressively…
In the Hills of Yost
by Jeffery Scott Sims in Issue 3, April 2012 During the great war across the unknown sea against the abominable kingdom of the Rhexellites the legions of Dyrezan, marching eastward toward the distant enemy citadel of Tsathgon, entered into a dreary region of stony mounds and sheer ravines which, so the furtive natives informed, were…