Tag: Issue 51

  • A Told Tale by an Idiot: Westley v. Inigo versus Dumbledore v. Voldemort

    by Norman Grey, Esq. in Issue 151, August 2024 William Shakespeare was a profound psychologist and, perhaps, the greatest wordsmith the human family has yet produced; but like any sage, he had to get our attention before he could speak his wisdom. It’s entirely possible that we would not remember him today if the average…

  • The Ink of the Slime Lord

    by Jason Ray Carney in Issue 51, April 2016 The Three Sisters had established a cult centered on a book bound in human skin and inked with blood. This cult threatened the priesthood of Atok-the-Million-Eyed, and for this the sisters would be punished with impunity, the leaves of their philosophy scattered to the winds. Their…

  • But the Dreams of Men

    by James Lecky in Issue 51, April 2016 Tomas smelled death long before he came to the village. The ocean breeze brought the scent of old blood, of torn flesh and spilled entrails. His horse snorted, made nervous by the smell. But that was to be expected, the animal – a bay mare – had been…