Tag: Curtis Ellett

  • Stories for Summer

    Welcome to the June 2024 issue of Swords & Sorcery Magazine, issue 149. I have three new stories to enjoy while hiding from the sun or basking in its glory. “Knight of the Couple”, by Andrei-Ion Ghircoiaș, is the tale of a knight tasked with protecting children from abusers.  Ghircoiaș’s work has appeared in anthologies…

  • On Editing Your Own Work

    One thing that many rejected submissions to Swords & Sorcery Magazine have in common is that they contain more than a few errors. Spelling mistakes, grammar goofs, and (probably) accidental malapropisms are scattered through the text like landmines, ready to blow the reader right out of the story. Typos happen, of course, and it’s not…

  • Three Plus One

    Welcome to the May 2024 issue of Swords & Sorcery Magazine, issue 148. In this issue I present three more stories for your reading pleasure. I also have a nonfiction piece of movie criticism for you. I’m taking advantage of the flexibility provided by my new site to give you more. I hope you enjoy…

  • In the Beginning

    I must begin with a confession. I do not read every submission to the end. Some few I eliminate without reading them at all—they obviously do not fit the guidelines because they are too short, too long, or the author describes them as some sort of modern fantasy or science fiction that I don’t publish…