Tag: 2017
For the Light
by Gustavo Bondoni in Issue 63, April 2017 Sweat poured out from under her bronze helmet, clearing channels in her dust-streaked face, but she was too preoccupied to worry about irrelevant things like that on the day she was to die. She faced a difficult task – many difficult tasks, as a matter of fact…
Witch Hunter
by Dale T. Phillips in Issue 63, April 2017 The drinking room at the inn was quiet that night, Teeann thought. She noticed the man on the far side of the room, sitting alone at an alcove table. Something about him made her look again. He had a serious expression, unlike most of the other…
The Sword Over the River Thar
by Brian Dyke in Issue 62, March 2017 My father grew up a short walk from the River Thar, in the flood plains below the foothills of the city of Highcrag in the sprawl of ancient barbarian tribes that had been tamed and settled near High Mountain and the lesser ridges in her shadow. At…
A Soujourn in Crost
by Jeffery Scott Sims in Issue 62, March 2017 Lord Morca, wizard and warrior of ancient Dyrezan, marched alone this day, he who had led a great army into the unknown east that he might conquer and thereby heighten the glory due to himself and his people. There in that magical and forbidding eastern realm…
Trouble at the Viscount Tavern
by Tom Lavin in Issue 61, February 2017 “I expect you fellows will want to have a look at this!” Deon slammed the book down on the table, hoping to attract the attention of his friends with a satisfying thump, but in the merry bustle of the tavern the sound was rather feebler than he had hoped.…