Chill Out with Some Hot Stories

Welcome to the July 2024 issue of Swords & Sorcery Magazine, issue 150. I have three new stories to enjoy wherever you find comfort and time to read.

In “Joy’s Soul Lies In the Doing”, by Todd Honeycutt, a hard-hearted mercenary finds new purpose in a monastery devoted to crafting furniture for the gods. Honeycutt’s work has been seen in Nature, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and Heroic Fantasy Quarterly. This is his first appearance in Swords & Sorcery Magazine.

“Tola’s Waft”, by Ranylt Richildis, is the story of an assassin who seeks to be rid of a stench that hovers over him, driving away all who come in contact. Richildis’s fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons, Podcastle, and Imaginarium 4: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing. This is her first appearance in Swords & Sorcery Magazine.

“A Voyage Among the Vandals”, by Daniel Stride, is a historical sword and sorcery tale of Vandal pirates during the last days of the Roman Empire. Stride’s work has been published in Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, Bards and Sages Quarterly, and New Maps Magazine. He has published a novel, Wise Phuul, and a sequel is due this year. This is his first appearance in Swords & Sorcery Magazine.

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Until next month… 

Curtis Ellett
editor, Swords & Sorcery Magazine





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