Category: Editorial

  • Slay Slayed

    This post is about something trivial, but intensely irritating: the use of slayed as the past tense of  to slay, meaning to kill. This is a stumbling block for me. When I come across it in a story I trip and fall flat, or rather the story does. In my mind, the proper past tense…

  • Starting a Patreon

    After more than twelve years publishing Swords & Sorcery I have decided that it’s time for it to bring in some income. My loving, supportive, and patient wife Jennifer has been hinting for years that it would be great if S&SM could pay for its own expenses. If things work out I also hope to…

  • New Site, New Blog

    by Curtis Ellett Welcome to the first installment of the Swords & Sorcery Magazine blog. If you are reading this you have no doubt noticed a change in the website design. It is still quite basic, but now it can be expanded and updated more easily. Going forward I have plans to continue making it…