Category: Content Posts

  • Out of Dijau

    by A. S. Alexander in Issue 70, November 2017 The tall grass was like a field of knives, marking Nnene’s dark skin red. There was no time to worry about such things, though. Things would be much worse if she did not keep moving. Despite the danger they brought, she did not hate the centaurs. It…

  • Count Three Stones

    by Melanie Bell in Issue 69, October 2017 Through the door of the cave dwelling, we were watching. Demet had nudged the leather aside just enough to see and just little enough so we wouldn’t be noticed. Aunt Alay’s back was to us as she bent over the stone table, curved down towards the bread…

  • Mordant and Mast

    by Alexander Leger-Small in Issue 69, October 2017 Big bellied ships blocked the sky above Braten-town harbor. Every morning Ysma woke to their shadowing promises. When tasks brought her to the water – receiving a shipment of raw-cloth or some other errand for Mistress – she knocked barrels and crossed fingers two times two, a charm…

  • The Thirst of Untus

    by Sam Beaven in Issue 68, September 2017 My name is Lossn. I am a failure. I sat across the table from the too-fat man who sweated in the heat, decadently shedding water through his brown skin, typical of the cultured city-folk. He wouldn’t last long in the desert, he would be abandoned by his tribe.…

  • The Soldier’s Choice

    by Alison McBain in Issue 68, September 2017 If there was one man whom Shazia could call a friend, it was Ibin. Most people thought that he should have followed in his father’s footsteps and become a warrior rather than a… well, whatever he was. When she’d first come to Castle Var, she’d thought the same…