Category: Content Posts

  • By Fist and Sword: A Review of ‘Weird Tales of Horror’, by David J. West

    by Anthony Perconti in Issue 75, April 2018 March 2018 The David J. West short story and poetry collection, Weird Tales of Horror is a sampling of various types of genre fiction, ranging from the historical all the way to science fiction, with the common through line of the supernatural represented in each. In these pages you…

  • The Verdigris Caper (Being a Small Part of the Chronicles of Runyon, Wizard of Zedikteer-by-the-Raging-Sea, as Related in the Ancient Hep-Talk)

    by James Lecky in Issue 74, March 2018 Now this story begins, as do so many in my life, with me fleeing from the Wrath Of… No ordinary Wrath Of…, you understand. Certainly nothing so minuscule as the Wrath Of Thorvos the Lender (to whom I find myself owing many berries on occasion) nor anything…

  • The Maiden’s Leap

    by Mike Riffe in Issue 74, March 2018 “Child, bring me a cool drink.” “Yes, Papa.” Ilsa replied. She disappeared and reappeared with a cup of water. Ilsa’s father, Rupert, drank the cool water, wiped his mouth on his sleeve, and sat the cup on the scarred wooden table. His day in the field was long. Sweat…

  • Merchandise

    by Gustavo Bondoni in Issue 73, February 2018 Sangr shielded his face with his hand. The midday sun beating on the endless ice created a glare that hurt his eyes even through the cloth that covered them. His main concern was to put one foot in front of the other, but he knew that walking…

  • The Beekeeper and the Daughters of Dionysius

    by Gary Every in Issue 73, February 2018 He pushes off from the shore, floating down the river, accompanied by his beautiful queen. The ancient Etruscan uses a long pole to propel his boat forward, letting the slow moving current do most of the work. The apiarist and his beautiful queen are searching for wildflowers.…