Category: Content Posts

  • A Little Blood, a Little Fire

    by S. K. Farrell in Issue 77, June 2018 She was seven, when I first realised. Seven, or thereabouts. Now, don’t get that look. I know I should remember the age of my own daughter, should have been cherishing every moment, but it was complicated back then. It was before her mother ruined my business and had…

  • Remnants

    by Lynn Rushlau in Issue 76, May 2018 A now tattered fairy, Caellery pushed wearily through the gate. Though impossible at this distance, she swore she could still hear the thump of the drums and wail of guitars from the Festival of Liberation. The party would go on until dawn. Without her. She tripped over the…

  • Spellbreaker

    by Dan Morley in Issue 76, May 2018 He curled into a ball, his arms wrapped tightly around himself while he shivered on the ground, his flesh sloughing off in green and purple trails. Asmarean magic. Spectres tormented his mind while throbbing pain wracked his body. It felt wrong, diseased, foul, like he was being…

  • Enough to Matter

    by Jamie Lackey in Issue 75, April 2018 Every girl in our kingdom is born with a bit of beauty. I was born with very little. Kiahna was born with almost enough to matter. She sat by a window, working on her mending, the sunshine glowing golden in her braided hair. I was memorizing her freckles…

  • The Penitent

    by Harry Piper in Issue 75, April 2018 The walled town Llew and Rhodri still found themselves in after a fortnight of inaction was a damp, sad little place. Every morning they awoke to great rivers of fog flowing through the streets and a gentle but constant rainfall above their heads. Buildings and people both…