Category: Content Posts

  • Countdown

    by Joshua Alexander in Issue 84, January 2019 As I gazed past the grimy bars of my prison cell to the somehow-grimier wall beyond, I was reminded precisely why I avoided cities. The dusty backwater provinces I usually haunted had little wealth, but they also had fewer jails. I could hear a madman babbling to…

  • Popina 79

    by Russel Hemmell in Issue 84, January 2019 Livia kicked away fish bones and chicken rests from the cooking area’s dirty floor, tossing water and salt to wash away dried blood and cover the inevitable stench.  That laggard of Attis had again forgotten to clean up. She’d have to give him a few lashes as…

  • Traveling Through This World of Woe: A Review of ‘Weirdworld’: Volume 0

    by Anthony Perconti in Issue 84, January 2019 December 2018     Let me pose to you a philosophical quandary. What if God were a super-villain? What if he collected the shattered vestiges of the multiverse and re-forged it according to his own twisted intellect and desires? This exact question was the high concept premise behind…

  • Clashing Blades

    by Lawrence Raphael Brothers in Issue 83, December 2018 The dashing capitaine des fusiliers who called herself La Panthère glanced covertly at the sorcière de la Lune and smiled nastily. It was a chance encounter with her rival at the sumptuous sideboard of the Casino D’Or, one of the fancier gambling houses on the right…

  • Festival of Rogues

    by David Waid in Issue 83, December 2018 What was to become the most intemperate and inglorious debauch in the history of Nuboe commenced as any other festival might, swathed in tradition and observance of the country’s old forms.  Rowan Stilko disembarked from his blossom-festooned chariot to the accompaniment of the crowd’s full-throated cheers. On…