Category: Content Posts

  • Esperia’s Shard

    by Miriam Thor in Issue 88, May 2019 A terrified shriek tore through the air, shattering the morning stillness. Espie took off running, still holding the hoe she’d been using in the garden, without making a conscious decision to move. The only other person who should be in this area was her little brother, Liam,…

  • Title: The Best ‘70’s Comic Never Written (Part Two): Bronze Age Boogie #1 “Swords Against Dacron”

    by Anthony Perconti in Issue 88, May 2019 May 2019I have always been a big fan of genre mash-ups. Types of stories (in any medium, really) that are an amalgamation of different elements that at first may not seem like an obvious choice to combine. But when they are done well, these combinations breathe new…

  • The Chapel of Skulls

    by Matthew Ilseman in Issue 87, April 2019 Aleron sat in a brothel listening to the Marquis de Calabra fret about the virginity of his betrothed. They sat at table on the ground level that served as a tavern. The girls and their customers talked and laughed. Stairs lead up to the bedrooms on the…

  • His Brilliant Little Sister

    by Lynn Rushlau in Issue 87, April 2019 Gheri caught the olive in his hand and gently dropped it into the basket hanging from his waist. He reached for the next fruit. A twig snapped under his tree. He picked the olive to show he was working, but nearly dropped it when he glanced down…

  • Half-Baked Hero

    by Scott Forbes Crawford in Issue 86, March 2019 Straightening the banner angling out the back of her saddle, Janza ul-Varoon guided her horse down a twisting trail and mused how she might scare up some coin. Though she’d just finished a job shepherding a caravan – and had earned a handsome bonus for leaving…