Category: Content Posts

  • Chasing the Adur Myth

    by Dave Hangman in Issue 148, May 2024 “A man’s greatest challenge is to hunt the adur within him.”  Sentence Jarati “Damn pįołedů!” bellowed Benthel completely inebriated as he tried to pour himself one last swig from his black flask containing the spirit he distilled himself. The bottle was empty despite his attempts to get…

  • Pilgrims of the Swamp Waste

    by Benjamin Sartison in Issue 148, May 2024 Beneath a canopy of sagging fronds, iridescent and oozing, four grimy figures tramped through green mist. With sucking, squelching steps they laboured through a stinking slurry of mud and grey water, leaving trails in the slime that covered its oily surface. Massive fungal structures quivered and dripped…

  • Why the “X Has Fallen” film series is (and isn’t) Swords and Sorcery in a suit, and why it would be better if it went the whole way

    by Joel Glover in Issue 148 You may be familiar with the film franchise I will refer to as “has fallen”. Gerard Butler, in his final hurrahs as a borderline A-list action star, combines with glass-of-milk with cheekbones Aaron Eckhart and the ghost of good performances by Morgan Freeman in this land of the free,…

  • The Cursed Woods

    by Matthew Ilseman in Issue 147, April 2024 The corpse hung limply in the tree. A large branch impaled it through the chest. Blood covered the branch and fell in droplets on the forest floor. Aleron the warrior-priest stared up at it. He pulled his crimson cloak around himself. A sword and a seax knife…

  • The Spectral Hunt

    by Jared Kerr in Issue 147, April 2024 Father Samuel shivered as he walked, his breath seeming to freeze in the air around him. Midnight was not the time to be wandering, especially in winter, but the bishop’s letter had stated concretely what Samuel was to do if he wished his parish cleansed. A creak…