Category: Content Posts

  • Pit of Deepest Darkness

    by Williard M. Oliver in Issue 103, August 2020 “There were crimson gulfs unplumbed,     there were black wings over a sea;There were pits where mad things drummed,     and foaming blasphemy.”    —Robert E. Howard A lone figure moved quickly through the dark wood. He had come seeking a demon; one found him instead.  The…

  • The Weeping Tower

    by Jeffery A. Sergent in Issue 103, August 2020 I“Will it come back?” Jade asked, pulling the fur collar more tightly about her.  The giant chartreuse bird wheeled around a snow-tipped peak once before turning westward, toward the pale orange bleeding across the nameless range.   Tallus rubbed his hands together as he stepped up beside…

  • The Final Kiss

    by Teel James Glenn in Issue 102, July 2020 “The thing about dealing with amoral people is the certainty of it, Ada,” the blond bard said, “it is never a case of if they will betray you, it is always a matter of when. It makes things simpler and takes the suspense out of life.”…

  • In the House of Vezzanius

    by Davide Mana in Issue 102, July 2020 The rain made the roof tiles slick and gurgled down the drains, and draped a thicker gray shroud on the pale light of dawn. Bélise Nine Fingers cursed her good luck. Rain meant people stayed indoors and the few that braved the streets, huddled in their cloaks…

  • Hondo’s Honor

    by Carmine A. Tedeschi in Issue 102, July 2020 To a Skree fighter, exile is a fate worse than death. `Better to die in battle and please the Maker.’ In darkness, Hondo hiked to the cliff face. A steady wind blew warm across the semi-arid peninsula. Waves crashed below. The smell of cooked grain wafted…