Category: Content Posts
A Dance with Dragon’s Volume 2: After the Feast, by George R. R. Martin
by John C. Adams in Issue 104, September 2020 This is the most recent installment in the long-running and hugely popular ‘A Game of Thrones’ series, also known as ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’. For anyone who isn’t familiar with the books and their accompanying TV adaptation, the idea of jumping in partway through a…
Etcher’s Crucible
by Rex Caleval in Issue 104, September 2020 Now that I’m ready to find out if this works, it seems less like a good idea. I was certain it was brilliant when I conceived it, sitting in the tavern while my employers, may their bleached bones lie in the Sands Eternal, conversed with a digger…
by Matthew C. Lucas in Issue 104, September 2020 The clerk considered the copper coin lying before him on the table. The edges were ridged, as they should be. The emblem on its face, a hammer, pick, and sword, had been rubbed smooth from countless grubbing fingers and the passage of time. There was a…
The Love of Another’s Life
by Gustavo Bondoni in Issue 103, August 2020 “Hello Abren. You sent me on a suicide mission,” Sangr growled. “And yet, here you are,” the sorcerer replied. He spoke carefully, trying to keep the blade of Sangr’s rapier from drawing any more blood than it already had. There was little else he could do with…
Pit of Deepest Darkness
by Williard M. Oliver in Issue 103, August 2020 “There were crimson gulfs unplumbed, there were black wings over a sea;There were pits where mad things drummed, and foaming blasphemy.” —Robert E. Howard A lone figure moved quickly through the dark wood. He had come seeking a demon; one found him instead. The…
The Weeping Tower
by Jeffery A. Sergent in Issue 103, August 2020 I“Will it come back?” Jade asked, pulling the fur collar more tightly about her. The giant chartreuse bird wheeled around a snow-tipped peak once before turning westward, toward the pale orange bleeding across the nameless range. Tallus rubbed his hands together as he stepped up beside…