Starting a Patreon

After more than twelve years publishing Swords & Sorcery I have decided that it’s time for it to bring in some income. My loving, supportive, and patient wife Jennifer has been hinting for years that it would be great if S&SM could pay for its own expenses. If things work out I also hope to be able to acquire some art for the site and pay my writers better. At the same time, I plan to keep S&SM free to readers, as it has been up to now.

Over the years I have had several people ask how they might contribute to S&SM financially. I have never had an answer for them, but now there is one. I’m launching a Patreon to cover expenses and perhaps a bit more. You can now help out if you want, and can afford to. There are two levels of Patreon membership. At the Tavern Patron you can toss three dollars(US) in the hat each month to tip the entertainers and get to chat with other Patrons on a private chat. For legal and logistical reasons the tavern can’t sell beer, but you can bring your own. At the Adventurer level you get to be a Tavern Patron, but also get out of the tavern to sample some Adventurer only content, for only 6 USD a month. I plan on posting some of my own stories there, and I have been offered a sword and sorcery comic from the talented Alison McGlone. I’ve seen the roughs and it will be worth the price of admission.
For anyone who wants to join the Patreon, or just check it out, here’s the link

Curtis Ellett






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